(843)790-4228 info@mbwithin.com

Our Interior Design Process

What you can expect from our interior design process


Consultation with Mollie Bean

After our initial phone call, and we have mutually agreed to move to the next phase in the process, we schedule an in-space consultation. The consultation is a where we determine project scope, assess feasibility and mutually decide if we are the best fit for each other. Here we provide ideas and guidance for your project. We also discuss details of the interior design process such as your goals for the space, your design aesthetic, how you will be using the space, what inspires you, your time-frame and your budget.


Fee Proposal Outlining Project Scope and Estimated Design Fees

We outline the scope of work for the entire project, our interior design process and goals, the estimated design fee. Here we sign the contract and ask for a retainer to hold your space in our timeline.


Site Measure And Planning Day

We will meet onsite for the initial measurements & photographs. We also take the time to review our processes for working with the trades people to hire.


Concept Development, Sourcing, Researching, Quotes + Estimates

Our interior design process starts with a design concept which is further developed through renderings, sketches, elevations, and color schemes. We also source all materials, fixtures and furnishings.


Presentation, Budget, Revision (If Any) & Follow Up Presentation

We meet with you to go over the details of your custom design plan. This includes all drawings, color scheme, digital presentation boards, fabric samples, furniture selections and budget breakdown including estimated costs for any work by the trades and artisans you hire. One revision is included and must be requested at this meeting. The Final Presentation includes working drawings that you can provide to the trades you hire to carry out the work, color schemes, all furnishings, fabric memos and detailed budget breakdown – item by item. It will all be laid out for you so that you will be able to visualize what the finished space will look like. Any adjustments to the budget due to revisions are agreed upon at this meeting. Here we ask for a check for the items to be purchased.


Initiation Of Procurement & Project Management

We start with a design concept which is further developed through renderings, sketches, elevations, and color schemes. We also source all materials, fixtures and furnishings.


Budget Review (On Larger Projects)

We sometimes call a second budget meeting on larger projects. This is especially true if changes to the phase of the project that we manage (the decorating phase) were requested by you. This is where we ensure that we are on track with budget. This step is usually not required for smaller projects.


Receipt of Orders and Initial Installations

All furnishings that we ordered throughout our interior design process are received at our warehouse, inspected for damages, tagged and stored for the big installation day. Claims and reorders are made for any items that arrive damaged. We prefer to install on one to two days instead of several different deliveries arriving onsite, however, some custom items like window treatments will be installed prior to the big day. The project balance owed is required at this time.


Furniture Installation & Styling/Project Reveal/Walk Through The big day!

This is when items are installed and styled for a beautiful and inspiring finish. Installation is typically done in one day or two days. We ask that the client is not present during the install. This is also the exciting moment when we walk through the finished space and point out all the features and benefits of each item, discuss how to care for each piece and any warranties available (if any). There will be outstanding invoices from delivery companies, cleaning service, etc which we will present to you at the Client Closure Meeting or it may be at a later date.The walk-through may happen on the same day of the reveal or on a separate day. Although we strive for perfection, mistakes can happen. The final walk through is where you get the chance to point out any deficiencies observed – Items like a small splash of paint on the floor, missing dresser knob, a small rip on a pillow etc. Items that could have easily been missed during the exciting moment of the reveal


Resolving Deficiencies

We coordinate with the vendor involved to cure any deficiencies within 14 business days. Thankfully, this step is not needed in most cases, but we make sure that you will be happy with your finished space.


Client Closure Meeting & Photography

We meet to close out the file for the project and where we present you with the final invoice. We make sure that you are fully satisfied with your new space. We will also graciously ask for any feedback, reviews and referrals, and discuss any additional projects you would like to move forward with. We will also discuss a convenient day for us to schedule a professional photographer to shoot pictures of the project. If we intend to have these pictures published in a local or national publication, we will discuss that with you as well.